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DATA ONE     |     STORE & FORWARD     |     BATCH PROCESSING     |     AIS ONLINE     |     API/XML


AIS owns and controls industry-leading databases, which have proved to be significantly superior to others in the market, in terms of file depth, currency and quality. We specialize in data integration and understand the importance of agility and flexibility when securely delivering information into a client's IT environment. Clients have the option to transmit or access our data in a variety of ways.


Data One

In 2019, AIS released its cloud-ready, on-premise solution that allows clients to monitor their portfolios' bankruptcy and deceased activity without sending customer data outside their firewalls.

Data One has been tested and implemented at some of the largest financial institutions in the country.

Learn more about Data One

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Store & Forward

AIS offers a Store & Forward delivery model for clients to transmit a portfolio file of accounts to be housed at AIS. With this model, AIS delivers automated, electronic notifications and updates for any account that matches a record in our database.

Individual files are processed daily to identify specified notification events. A predefined, consistent return file is sent back to the creditor on a daily basis.


Batch Processing

On-demand batch processing capabilities are at our clients fingertips when they need to expedite file scrubbing for regulatory audits or due diligence analysis.

Account information is not retained, and the client can choose which notifications to receive and how often they would like the process to be performed. This system allows for flexible file formatting and fast, secure file delivery.

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AIS Online

Our web-based application allows users to conduct real-time searches to validate bankrupt and deceased accounts. Clients can review bankruptcy docket entries and download court documents. This alternative to PACER comes with significant cost savings and client-wide document sharing functionality. Users can also perform deceased searches to verify a decedent's name, social security number and date of death.

Learn more about AIS Online



The AIS API/XML method of communication allows different software systems to exchange bankruptcy data. Our XML Interface uses the industry-standard Web Services Security (WS-*) specifications technology to provide end-to-end message-level security. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP ) is a messaging protocol allows programs that run on completely different and unrelated operating systems (such as Windows and Linux) to communicate using XML. Web services can be seamlessly incorporated into your daily processes.

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One of the world’s largest telecommunications providers partnered with AIS to implement a bankruptcy monitoring solution that did not require any of its customers’ Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to be shared outside of its own network.

See how this new approach ensured data security, expedited the notification process, lowered the provider’s exposure to stay violations, and increased its recoveries on bankruptcy debt.

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